It's Teacher Appreciation Week! While it's always important to recognize how much teachers matter, this past year has shown the world just how amazing teacher's are. We chose virtual kindergarten for our daughter during the pandemic and, let me tell you... it was challenging (and that is an understatement)! Thanks to our teacher's support, direction and guidance we have had a successful year!
It’s the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom. – Michael Morpurgo

Show your teacher a little love with this cute flower craft! You can buy your own pot and flowering plant to assemble or buy them already potted! I found these amazing mini plants at Trader Joe's.

Here is what you need:
• 1 flower pot + flowering plant
• Teacher Appreciation Tag File (download below)

Simply print the file I provided on colored card stock or write "Thank You For Helping Me Bloom!" on your tag and use your 3.5 paper punch to cut out! I am obsessed with paper punches! I have a pretty impressive collection. I could dedicate a whole post on paper punches, lol!

Once your tag has been cut out, simply tape it to the paper straw and stick into your flower pot! Now get your flower power on!